Winter is Coming

Spoiler Alert: this post has absolutely nothing to do with Game of Thrones. I’ve never seen the tv show and I only got partway through the second book before deciding it wasn’t for me.

That said, the title is definitely true. There’s no snow on the ground yet, but I live in mortal fear that every day is the one where I will wake up, open my blinds, and scream bloody murder because the ground is covered in snow. I really probably should get a move on on buying winter boots. I already have a winter jacket, but the boots just haven’t happened yet. This weekend I really will go buy them.

In other news, Canadian Thanksgiving was last weekend. Obviously home is a little bit far for me now so instead a bunch of people from school had an Orphan Thanksgiving/Lawsgiving.

My Lawsgiving Contribution

My Lawsgiving Contribution.

I made the brownies in the middle for the first time a few weeks ago when my section had a potluck and was told I needed to make them at every future occasion. They’re apparently called ‘Slutty Brownies’, but because we’re super nerds we’ve renamed them to ‘Bedford Brownies’. For those of you not in the know, the Bedford case was this recent Supreme Court of Canada case that has to do with prostitution laws. It’s awful, but it’s definitely now a thing.

Lawsgiving Feast!

Lawsgiving Feast!

School chugs on. We actually had our first (and only for this semester) midterm today. It was for Public Law and I don’t think it went terribly. I’m not sure it went amazing either, but talking to people afterwards made me pretty confident I was on the right track at least. And, worst case scenario, it’s a ‘help not hurt’ exam so if we do better on our final in December then the midterm won’t even count. And apparently most people do awful on it anyway. Welcome to law school I guess. They’ve got to take us all down a peg.

I swear I do take other classes.

I swear I do take other classes, but this is Property again.

Other than that life is really starting to settle into a routine. I’m doing archery with the Queen’s club a few times a week and I was selected to be a staff writer for the Queen’s Law news blog. We have our first meeting next week. I was able to vote yesterday (Canadians – if you haven’t voted yet, make sure you do on October 19th) and I’m in the midst of planning for NaNoWriMo. Life is good.

  • Kali

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